💲Revenue Models

Ongoing and diversified revenue streams are important for our project to continually fund marketing and development expenses.

Solana Classic has multiple ways to create revenue:

  • Advertisement banners on the Solana ecosystem HUB.

We will create advertisement space on the front page of the Solana ecosystem HUB. Projects on the Solana ecosystem can buy advertisement space with links to their socials and web pages. Cost of the advertisement will depend on page views of the HUB, which are all verifiable through statistics. All revenue from the classic HUB advertisement will go back to the project for further development of the HUB and marketing.

  • Revenue from the token creator.


  • Contract generation: 0.5 SOL

  • Revoking mint authority: 0.1 SOL

  • Freezing mint authority: 0.1 SOL

Revenue Allocation:

  • 25% for strategic buybacks

  • 25% for development to enhance various utilities

  • 50% for marketing efforts to spread the word and grow our community

  • Earnings from Solana Classic Merch

Solana Classic has its own merchandise store, and all earnings will go back to the project for marketing, buybacks, and burns. Soon we will integrate the merch store into our website.

Solana Classic Merch Store

  • X spaces lounge for Solana projects.

Once the community HUB is live and our X page reaches certain metrics, we will start to invite projects on the Solana blockchain to spaces on our X page. They can showcase and pitch their project, and we will ask them questions. This fits with our mission to empower the Solana community. In the beginning, this will be free of charge, but later on, we will charge projects depending on how many viewers and engagement we get during the X spaces. All revenue made will go back to the project.

Last updated